2024 Free agency...

my buddy that had pooping problems swears this stuff will fix you, I think the name is fucking genius
Tripping hard and shitting can't be fun.
Someone knocks on the door and tells you it sounds like you're shitting your guts out. The acid hears that and says "That sounds like a fun idea", and off to the races goes your hallucimagination.
Someone knocks on the door and tells you it sounds like you're shitting your guts out. The acid hears that and says "That sounds like a fun idea", and off to the races goes your hallucimagination.

ewan mcgregor film GIF
Wonder if we could entice Fitzmagic to come out of retirement for a year. He’s fit in just fine.

Las Vegas Miami GIF by Dolfans NYC
Okay, McZ rewarded Josh for his big year. Now, if Josh wants to stay, he needs to deal with his shitty year and give AP an inventive-based deal realizing he’s gonna split carries unless he crushes it again.
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Now I remember why I like this place... Where else can get commentary about acid shits?! Personally I never experienced that thank goodness.
The one trip I did have, my feet melted into the tile while I was taking a dump. Luckily, I knew I was trippin' and just went with it...