Why Radier Fan hates Jon Gruden
TiceMustGo said:
I am still baffled to why Gruden left, Tester. I never understood it and I think it's amusing that Raiders fans are mad at Gruden for leaving. He wanted to stay, but he wanted to be paid well like one of the top coaches in the league and he should feel that way. He deserved it. He gets the most out of everyone.
Well I can only speak for myself on the Gruden situation. Here's my take and this is why most Raider Fans are irritated at Gruden.
When Gruden was in Philadelphia he was the OC, young and relatively unknown around the NFL. Along comes Al Davis who saw something in the guy. Now we all know that NFL coaching jobs (HC) don’t grow on tress. So when presented with the opportunity to coach the Raiders Gruden jumped at the chance. So Davis gets a young talented guy cheap and Gruden gets the chance that nobody else would give him except Al Davis. In fact I don’t think any NFL teams even had the guy on the radar.
I really don’t think Gruden wanted to stay in Oakland at all. In fact, after he made a name for himself in Oakland with his funny expressions and granted the ability to get the Raiders back to the top of the NFL he got the hell out of Oakland as fast as he could.
Gruden, though his agent, got himself linked to every job opening there was...first Ohio State, then Notre Dame. And while Gruden towed the company line by saying ``I already have a job" when quizzed by the media about the rumors, behind the scenes I believe he urged his agent to "spread the news" of pending jobs that would be offered to Gruden.
So, Gruden, IMO indirectly forced the trade to Tampa Bay. The story goes that Al Davis made the deal and called Gruden in the middle of the night and asked him what he wanted to do. Gruden told him he wanted to go.
To Raider Fan that was a slap in the face to the Dark Lord who was the only person on earth that saw greatness if you will and dragged Gruden out of Philadelphia...only to be stabled in the back as I described above.
Now you may be right that Gruden wanted to be paid. But he was going to get paid no matter where he went and I believe he wanted out in t he worst way. He was coveted now that he was finally given his shot as a HC in the NFL. So in the end I think it was more about getting out of Oakland and away from the controlling ways of Al Davis than it was about money. We'll never know for sure but that is why I think Raider Fans in general think Gruden was an ungrateful SOB.
Again, just my opinion.