What kind of Candy are you?


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2006
Reaction score
Gummy Bears


You may be smooshie and taste unnatural, but you're so darn cute.

What Kind of Candy Are You?



They call you sticky fingers for a reason!
This has got to be my favorite question -- uhm Crow might get it - # You would rather be called:

* Sugar lips
* Slick
* The human lollipop
* Sugar butt
* Candy girl (or boy)
* Cookie

And my results are just that much funnier if you know me well...LOL

Tootsie Roll Pop


It only takes three licks to get to your center!

What Kind of Candy Are You?

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Candy canes as well - but meh...The sugarbutt comment had me rolling. LOL
So you are saying if you were a dinosaur, you'd be a lickalatapus?
Yeah, yeah. It's always give give give give give for me and take take take take take for her. This relationship is so one-sided.
Nuh uh - see my "how are you in love" results - I give as much as I take... :p
So......what kind of candy is con?? :p
She's probably not answering out of respect for me, because she probably got like "Snickers" or "recees" or some such piece of heavenly death for me...
BlueDamsel said:
She's probably not answering out of respect for me, because she probably got like "Snickers" or "recees" or some such piece of heavenly death for me...
Yeah, don't ya just hate people like that? :p (kidding con) :)
I love gummy bears. Plus, BD can have gummies inside her without going into anaphylactic shock. It'd be better if they were sugar free, though she doesn't seem to mind sugary stuff either.
Gummy bears are just nasty!! :shock:
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