What are you listening to? Watching?


Dark Age of RN
Jan 14, 2006
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I dunno, I am so used to seeing one these threads on a board, so I'll throw it out there.

Last couple of movies I have seen:
Steven King's Rose Red, I know it's older, but I almost never watch horror movies, due to the campyness and predictability, but a ladyfriend wanted to watch it, surprisingly it's not bad. Stephen King is one heck of a writer. It's set in CB's hometown, with a weird crazy mansion that has a mind of it's own. I'd give it 7 out of 10.

I also got my copy back of 40 Yr Old Virgin back after forcing my coworkers to watch it. Great film, seriously. I really think this is one of the best comedies of 2005, but I like it crude and sophmoric. It's an accurate portrail of how dumb guys really are about women. As long as you don't mind profanity, it's a good watch, 9 of 10.

I have just been listening to alot of Rage Against the Machine lately, I play guitar and try to figure out the nuanses of Tom Morello's guitar work.
Listening to a lot of 'Disturbed' lately. Excellent new-metal band. Also saw them live last Wednesday at the HOB in Hollywood. Body was sore for 4 days after the pit action, but given my current stress level with work, it was all good.

Movies -

Fight Club - The Dark Comedy in this film never gets old for me. Great writing. If anyone has the DVD, check out the commentary by the screenwriter & author that inspired the movie. Fascinating.

Layercake - British Gangster films over the past decade are much better than ours IMO. This is one of the best films of 2005 that no one has ever heard of.

40 Year Old Virgin - Agreed. Excellent film. The tatooed stoner is great.

JC - I do know you, right?
RaiderIVlife said:
JC - I do know you, right?

Yeah, you do know me...goofy.

I agree with the British crime film genre statement, they really deliver and Layercake is one of the better ones. Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels is a top twenty film in my favorites.
I'm a strange MoFo (if my posts don't occassionally show that). I'm more into character development than complex action per se. I like complexity, but natural complexity. For example, I dig Jethro Tull, but really don't like Yes. Tull isn't exactly (or always) prog rock, but the difference is it has a natural flow to it where Yes is rather stiff. This is my own perception of it, but that's how it goes.

I just got done watching the entire series of Firefly and the first season of Battlestar Gallactica on DVD. They are both very good. Firefly is slightly humorous and rather light with a little bit of a dark undercurrent, but it's a good ride. Battlestar Gallactica is quite dark and tense, and it is incredible.

As far as music goes, I was fortunate enough to run across The Mars Volta in 2003 and haven't found a better band since. They're quite odd lyrically (and maybe musically) but the music is incredible.
Rupert said:
As far as music goes, I was fortunate enough to run across The Mars Volta in 2003 and haven't found a better band since. They're quite odd lyrically (and maybe musically) but the music is incredible.

I am also an extremely huge fan of this band, I have exactly the same take, I usually use the Winamp setting for kareoke to take out the vocals.
JC: Have you ever seen them live! 3 of the 4 shows I've been to were outstanding. The other one was okay, a little scattered, but they can get that way live.

One of the things I've done with them is consider the lyrics as just another instrument and don't care what they say. As good as the individual songs are on De-Loused and as good as the flow is from front to back, Frances is off the charts as a whole work, but more difficult to listen to piece by piece. Frances also brings out the real quality of the band where De-loused is more of a studio effort. You can tell by the way they play the pieces live. Obviously Rick Rubin tightened up the songs for De-loused without hurting the overall piece, but with Omar doing the work for Frances it translates to a live show almost unaltered. Most of the De-loused songs are quite different live, but after having heard them enough, I like the live versions better.
I haven't seen them live yet...I was supposed to haul my ass to the Q-West Club in Minneapolis and something stupid happened.
That's unfortunate. It's definitely worth the price of admission. If you have Scab Dates you will get an idea of what the show is like.

They were the only act at last show I saw. The first half was De-loused and Tremulant, the second half was re-ordered Frances with one De-loused track thrown in and one Frances track (#4 Miranda...) deleted. The show lasted 2 hours, and it was absolutely engrossing.
Listening to CD's that were burned for me ...just different singers/songs.
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