Vikings win again!!!!

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Let’s Go!
Aug 30, 2005
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Well what happened here? Brad Johnson gets a second life and the Viks come alive!!! Amazing.

Don't tell me Mike Tice is going to have 9 lives like the infamous Wayne Fontes in Detroit? Heh.

What's your take TiceMustGo? You must be liking what you're seeing the last three weeks or so. :)
I am loving life right now for sure. I never ever in my wildest dreams thought the Vikings would be where they are right now. I am not even sure if Mike Tice or the players believe that this would be happening right now. This team was completely dead emotionally and mentally when Daunte went down. You got the feeling the players were starting to give up. Fortunately, Brad Johnson has came in and played well. He has made others better with his play and his leadership. He has done a good job and he should be given lot of props for raising this team up mentally and emotionally. I am proud of Brad.

The OL has really started to come along and it's no secret that the running game has gotten a lot better with the improved play of OL. I credit the play of the OL to the success of Brad and the running game. I only wish that OL would have been better had Daunte been there.

I know everyone is going to talk about Brad this and Brad that, but I still think the Vikings can still win with Daunte especially with the way the OL is playing now. When Daunte comes back, he definitely should start. I am just glad Brad is doing well now because next year, he is going to be starting while Daunte i still healing from that injury.

I am not a Tice fan, but give him credit for having his team ready to play and not quitting. Most teams like the Texans have quit. Vikings could have done the same, but to their credit, they keep playing and working hard. I am happy that they are getting rewarded with the wins. Tice has showed great leadership since that boat incident at Lake Minnetaoka. He has been calm and everything and I think the players have appreciated that. Tice has held himself well. He has done a good job having his team focused on football. I think that will come a long way to him getting that extension. Tice's chances of getting an extension is pretty good at this point considering the team is winning and the fact Zygi genuinely likes him. I think Zygi Wilf, who owns the Vikings, appreciates how Tice has led his team throughout their tough times and that could go a long way. We will see. Do I think Tice should come back? Not yet, but I do appreciate the job he has done in the last few weeks.

Will the Vikings make the playoffs? I don't know. Chicago is pretty damn good and they might be the team to beat when all is said and done. Vikings best chance of making the playoffs is getting the last playoff spot, but that may be tough. Giants are darn good. Cowboys are solid. Michael Vick will lead the Falcons to the playoffs. Jon Gruden will find a way to get his Bucs to the playoffs. Vikings gotta run the table for them to make the playoffs IMO. I don't think they can lose anymore. Their schedule is reasonably easy for the most part so they got a shot to run the table. They got two tough games in the Steelers and the Bears. Vikings gotta find a way to win at least one of the tough games.

We will see this. It's been fun to watch and it's good to see the Vikings play well.

Brad Johnson is resurrected. Mike Tice is doing his best Wayne Fontes impersonation and the Viks climb into wild card race. Now that's good stuff!
Cincinnati is fun to watch. I'm pulling for them to go all the way! Heh...hard to believe, huh? Raider fan cheering the friggin' Bengals. That's how bad it is in Raiderland these days.
Football hasn't been much fun this season but watching games like the Bengals/Steelers, Giants/Cowboys and Chiefs/Brocnocs has revived the experience.
The Raiders? Who gives a flying fuck? That act is getting old and tired after all these years. Sad to say it but this has been one of the least rewarding Raiders' seasons for me in 40 years!
This has been a fun ride these last few weeks, Crossbones. After everything that the Vikings have been through all season, I am really happy for the players and the coaching staff. As much as Tice kills me a lot, I am very happy for him. I am proud of him. Terry Bradshaw raised an interesting point in the OT about how he thinks Tice should be the Coach of the Year. I don't think it will happen because I think guys like Lovie, Mike Shanahan, Marvin, will get much consideration for this award, but Tice will definitely get some votes. He deserves a lot of credit for showing great leadership throughout the Love Boat turmoil and the losing. He has done a very good job getting his team ready to play despite all the nonsense and the adversity that has went on this season. I think this goes a long way for him getting that extension and I think Zygi Wilf has appreciated Tice for what he has done this year. If Vikings make the playoffs, Tice stays. However if there is a team that might be interested to give Tice a big payday similiar to Nate McMillan with the NBA's Blazers, I could see Tice leaving. That may not be a bad thing for him and maybe the Vikings, who might be better off with a new coach either. We will see.

Brad has played great and shown great leadership. He has done a very good job filling in for Daunte. I thought he would do alright, but I did not think he would be this great. It's very clear all the guys have rally behind Brad. It's also clear the guys have played much better under Brad. The OL has been awesome, the running game is playing to its potential and the wide receivers are really clicking. It's beautiful to watch.

Koren Robinson has really been the big part of the team winning. He has played great lately as you saw today. He has been Brad's go-to guy when Brad has to make plays.

The defense did a good job again.

Vikings got a resonable schedule. They just gotta keep winning and if they do that, they will get a playoff spot. I think they gotta beat Pitt or Chicago though to really get that spot. Vikings can't worry about the Bears. They just gotta worry about themselves. They can control their destiny by winning all out. It's a doable task.
It's funny because the Vikings are playing now exactly they way I thought they would play before the season started: Ball control offense, good defense with big play ability. It may have taken them time to get rolling, but Tice & Co. have stayed the course and righted the ship.

I think Brad Johnson has been the perfect calming veteran influence on a team of rash entusiasm.

I think the Vikings have the talent to challenge any team in the NFC. Seriously. Certainly Carolina would have an edge, but fundamentally sound teams that play good defense are almost always competitive.

I'll be pulling for your team the rest of the way.....
BTW, the Raiders would like to borrow Brad Johnson for the weekend, want to swap starting QB's with us?
Thanks for the kind words, RaidersIVLife. Let's hope the Vikings can somehow get to the playoffs. It won't be easy. Vikings gotta run the table as Sean Salisbury suggested today on ESPNews's Monday Morning Quarterback. It's a doable task especially with three out of the next four games at Minneapolis. They gotta find a way to beat Pitt or Chicago. That's the key to making the playoffs. They also gotta beat the teams that they should beat, but you figure that they will get it done with the way Brad has played.

Great description with how the Vikings are winning games with ball control offense, RaiderIVLife. You also mention the calming influence that Brad has. I wonder if Daunte has that in him. I think Daunte thinks too much at times and reacts way too much. That's been his problem and I think that causes unrest with his line and such. I am hoping Daunte can learn some things from Brad's success and apply to it when he is on the field next season. This is a great opportunity to learn.

There is no great team out there in the NFC. I thought it was Carolina, but the last few weeks, they have been vulnerable. Chicago might be the best team when all is said and done. Giants are pretty darn good too as we saw yesterday. Vikings are pretty good and they don't have to take backseat to anyone. I think whoever gets hot in the playoffs will go to the Super Bowl. You can make a case for anyone in the NFC.
Rupert: Maybe you can have Brad two years from now, but not now. Seriously, I am not sure if the Vikings thought Brad would be this good. I know I didn't. If anyone thought he would be this good, you can bet lot of teams would have outsign the Vikings in getting Brad.
They can't really gain on the Bears till the Bears decide to start losing.
I am not worried about Da Bears, DeeDubb. I think they will win the NFC North. Vikings's best chance is to win the wild card and that's pretty feasible if they can win all their games.
TiceMustGo said:
Rupert: Maybe you can have Brad two years from now, but not now. Seriously, I am not sure if the Vikings thought Brad would be this good. I know I didn't. If anyone thought he would be this good, you can bet lot of teams would have outsign the Vikings in getting Brad.

We'll take a 'flyer' on Daunte Culpepper !!!!!!

BTW - My step dad is big Vikings fan - I should try and get him to post in this forum.... The Raiders & Vikings don't have an ugly (to my knowledge) history AND, aside from the Raiders, the Vikes have the best uniform. That should count for something.
We have a provblem here...

TiceMustGO? WTF? What are we gonna do about your name if this continues?

Just give me the word and will change your user name! :p

And I see Abelardo has made his first appearance at the AFC West if he would only tell his Donkey friends about it! :p

Glad to see you around, my friend.

And Rupert...Seattle plays a base Cover 2 -- FYI! :eek:
CrossBones said:
And Rupert...Seattle plays a base Cover 2 -- FYI! :eek:

That just confirms my belief that Holmgren is an idiot.:p
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