New Pricing Plan For The HOT Announced...

Angry Pope

All Raider
Feb 2, 2006
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Raiders new pricing plan announced

With the Oakland Raiders now in full control of ticket sales, the organization has re-configured seating prices at McAfee Coliseum.
Under the new ticket price scheme more than 60 percent of the tickets will cost less than last year. Tickets will be sold to former Personal Seat License Holders first then to fans who want to buy season tickets.

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Raiders new pricing plan announced

Paul T. Rosynsky - STAFF WRITER

OAKLAND - With control over ticket sales totally in their hands, the Oakland Raiders on Tuesday announced myriad changes in how tickets will be sold next year and how much they will cost.

As the post-Personal Seat License era begins for the team and its fans, more choices will be available for those seeking seats as the team has divided the Coliseum seating map into eight price levels.

While the old configuration only had three price levels, ranging from $46 to $70 plus several surcharges, the new plan calls for a range that will include tickets as low as $26 per game to tickets as high as $101.

The new ticket scheme will decrease the average out-of-pocket expense for fans to $65.60 per game from $67.31, if they owned a PSL.

While many fans will see an increase in the price of tickets should they remain in the same seats, more than 60 percent of the ticket inventory will decline in price, the team said.

``This is very significant, It enables the fan to make choices,'' said team CEO Amy Trask. ``We want a home field advantage for out team.''

Selling tickets will be a new concept for the Raiders.

Since the team returned to Oakland in 1995, the city and Alameda County controlled ticket sales through the controversial Oakland Football Marketing Association.

Technical and manpower issues at the association coupled by a PSL concept that never took hold in the Bay Area resulted in the Coliseum remaining half full for many Raiders games.

Fans were unwilling to pay up to $4,000 a seat just for the right to buy season tickets.

It led to disputes between the team and its government landlord and eventually a $1.1 billion lawsuit that ended with a Sacramento jury awarding the team $34 million in damages.

Both sides, however, reconciled late last year after Oakland and Alameda County officials agreed to scrap the PSL program in exchange for getting more revenue through parking receipts and concession sales.
The deal also called for the Raiders to sell its own tickets

. Trask said the team has spent the three months creating ``from scratch'' a new marketing and ticket sales team in hopes of filling every seat in the stadium with season ticket holders.

As for those roughly 15,000 fans with PSLs, Trask said their years of dedication would not be forgotten.

``Their rights have grown,'' she said. ``The ethos here is to find a way to say yes.''

So, starting Wednesday, current PSL holders will have exclusive rights to buy season tickets for next season. Those rights include buying additional seats and upgrading their position within the Coliseum.

Those rights will last until March 15 when season ticket packages will go on sale to the general public.

PSL holders will get up to seven vouchers per account for a $298 round-trip to Hawaii on Hawaiian Airlines.

``It's sort of a taste of things to come,'' Trask said about benefits season ticket holders and past PSL buyers will get under the new ticket plan.
Raiders cut ticket prices at Coliseum

Eric Young

The Oakland Raiders lowered ticket prices on almost two-thirds of Coliseum seats as the team seeks to boost attendance next season.

The Raiders said Tuesday that prices will range from $25 to $100, compared to a range of $46 to $91 last year. The team will begin selling to fans who bought personal seat licenses first. PSL holders have until March 15 to get tickets to their existing seats, buy more seats or change location. After that date the team will open up sales to everyone else.

This year's ticketing strategy has important financial implications for the team. This season the Raiders are directly responsible for selling tickets for the first time since the team returned to Oakland 11 years ago. Ticket sales make up about 20 percent of sales on average for NFL teams. Team officials won't say how much of Raider revenue is from ticket sales.

The team is one of the lowest revenue teams in the NFL. Revenue is estimated by Forbes magazine at $169 million, ranking the team 27th among 32.

Every other team in the National Football League oversees its own ticket sales. The Raiders were the exception until now because of a deal that brought the team back to Oakland from Los Angeles in 1995. Under that agreement, Oakland, Alameda County and the Raiders created the Oakland Football Marketing Association to sell Raiders tickets and personal seat licenses, which were purchased by season ticket holders.

The local governments created the OFMA so that elected officials could have input on how Raiders tickets were priced and sold. Raiders executives sat on the OFMA board but could not set policy for the OFMA without city or county agreement.

The Raiders, Oakland and Alameda County did away with the OFMA a few months ago as part of a settlement of several disputes between the three parties. The Raiders said they hired 15 people to handle sales and customer service.

Raider attendance in 2005 averaged 52,307 at McAfee Coliseum. In the 11 seasons since returning from Los Angeles, the Raiders averaged home attendance of 53,272.
Raiders ticket prices to rise average $6.60

By Guy Ashley


OAKLAND - Ticket prices for Oakland Raiders games will increase $6.60 per seat on average for the 2006 season. But many fans will actually pay out less now that seat licenses and related fee programs have been abolished.

"We want a home-field advantage for our team," said Amy Trask, the Raiders chief executive, adding that she hoped the 2006 ticket program announced this morning will help boost the team's home attendance. "We want to provide excellent service for our fans."

The new ticket program includes special benefits for fans who bought season tickets last year with "personal seat licenses" that added significantly to the cost of seeing Raiders football.

Those fans will be given the exclusive opportunity through March 15 to renew their season tickets either by keeping the seats they had last season or selecting new seats inside McAfee Coliseum.

Fans seeking to purchase season tickets can do so via or by calling 1-800-Raiders.

The ticket program announced today raises the average ticket price for Raiders home games from $59 to $65.60. But many fans will actually pay less out-of-pocket expenses now the PSLs and a related "location premium charge" required of fans have been eliminated. Those costs boosted the average ticket price to well above $70.

The new ticket scheme also will give fans more pricing options. Over the past 11 seasons, ticket prices have been divided into three categories. That number now will rise to eight, with tickets costing more the closer they are to the optimum 50-yard-line location.

The new ticket program means seats will range in cost from $26 to $101. The $26 tickets will be among the lowest in the National Football League, Trask said.

Fans have been awaiting the new price structure in the wake of the announcement last November that the PSLs would be abolished and replaced by a new approach in which the Raiders would share game-related revenues in new ways with their Coliseum landlords, Alameda County and the city of Oakland.

One longtime Raiders fan said he was disappointed with the new ticket program. Pete Barlas of San Jose, a PSL holder since the team returned to Oakland in 1995, falls in a category of fans whose tickets will increase a relatively steep $15 per game, from $71 to $86.

With the team coming off three straight losing seasons, Barlas said it is a bad time to raise prices for Raiders tickets.

"You can't expect people to shell out more when you're product is a disaster," he said.
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