AOL has this thing where they were going to raise their dial-up customers $2 but if those customers wanted High Speed, they would get it for the same price. AOL felt that not enough customers were reading their stories and by providing high speed that way, more people would have time to read.
I have to tell you, when watching a video (Raider video), it took me about 30 minutes (sometimes more) to load. So I would have to just preview it most of the time because I am usually in a hurry. Now I can enjoy the video.
The other kind of nice thing is that AOL doesn't really provide the DSL, they contract it out. So mine is through SBC Global (AT & T). Now I have one of those accounts to go along with the AOL.
Yesterday I went to a place called and enjoyed losing my shirt, trousers, and dignity. It was great. With AOL alone, I could never get my password sent to me.
Anyway, I'm sorry Bones for taking up the board time with this. I just feel as cool as Angel now.