I'd congratlate you, but...

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Sep 7, 2005
Reaction score
I'd rather tell you how much I'm looking forward to seeing Indi spank that ass...again. :cool:

On a side note, you guys could have hit Brady a little harder, I think. At least break one of his fingers or something.
Congratulations *cough* on beating the Patsies.

The King is dead. Long live the King.

Now that's about all the love yer gettin' Missy. See, here's the plan. Indy dismantles Pittsburgh today and Denver has to travel to Indy next week for the AFC Championship game. That's where the fairy tale ends if you get my drift.

BTW, let us know how it ws being at the game last night. Fun I bet. Can yo talk at all today?,,,,
I can barely talk today...My throat is swollen and sore and my muscles all ache.

It was undescribable being at the game. I'll have to post pictures later -- if any of them came out unblurry, since I was shaking the entire day yesterday! LOL
Oh and I'm not too confident in Indy right now, personally! ;) Let's have another home game! :D hehehehe
Congraulations to Mike Shanahan and his team yesterday.

Well done!
BlueDamsel said:
I can barely talk today...My throat is swollen and sore and my muscles all ache.

It was undescribable being at the game. I'll have to post pictures later -- if any of them came out unblurry, since I was shaking the entire day yesterday! LOL

Glad you had a great time. This is something you will remember forever.
CrossBones said:
Congratulations *cough* on beating the Patsies.

The King is dead. Long live the King.

Now that's about all the love yer gettin' Missy. See, here's the plan. Indy dismantles Pittsburgh today and Denver has to travel to Indy next week for the AFC Championship game. That's where the fairy tale ends if you get my drift.

BTW, let us know how it ws being at the game last night. Fun I bet. Can yo talk at all today?

So much for that plan. Looks like I just became an NFC fan for the duration of the playoffs. Thanks Payton.
Aww c'mon guys...

psst...btw...I got tickets! I'm going to the championship game! :D
For your sake I hope you don't suffer the fate I suffered at out last home championship game. It's not a fun feeling, is it Bones?
Rupert said:
For your sake I hope you don't suffer the fate I suffered at out last home championship game. It's not a fun feeling, is it Bones?
No it's not.

We were so excited to go the AFC Championship game (after attending the Divisional playoff the week before) and then to have that happen.

I don't wish that on any fan...well hmmmm...I might have to think about that some more. :p
Maybe only fans of that nighttime soap opera (which was just cancelled) deserve that feeling more.
BlueDamsel said:
I can barely talk today...My throat is swollen and sore and my muscles all ache.

Sounds like a typical weekend at the Damsel residence to me. ;)
It pains me to see Shannarat win without Elway and TD...I just hope the Steelers have something left in the tank for that ass.

I am very happy to see NE knocked off though.
BlueDamsel said:
Hehehehehehe Happy Birthday to me indeedy! :D
Well....maybe not so happy now...:( Damn donkeys!! :p
Yeh no fucking shit.

I'm not a violent person, but between some of my friends pissing me off on Saturday and then having the most obnoxious steelers fan in the stadium behind me...I was (and still am) ready to draw blood.

Of course, CB & I decided that it's Crows fault...Afterall, everything is crow's fault...dirty birdbrain! :P
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