Bolts tie Steelers game with 3 more

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Bolts tie Steelers game with 3 more

By Kevin Acee
June 7, 2006

The Chargers yesterday introduced two four-game ticket packages that will almost certainly cause some fans consternation similar to the uproar over last year's miniseason ticket plans.

Fans wanting to see the defending Super Bowl champion Pittsburgh Steelers play at Qualcomm Stadium must also buy tickets to the season opener and two exhibition games. Those wanting to see any of the AFC West opponents here will have to buy tickets to see the other two plus an exhibition game.

The four-game packages went on sale yesterday at $296 each.

The Oct. 8 Sunday night game against Pittsburgh is packaged with the season-opener against Tennessee and both home exhibition games, against Seattle and Green Bay.

“The world champions are coming here,” said Chargers Chief Marketing Officer Ken Derrett. “(Pittsburgh) is a game we saw unprecedented demand for (last season). Then you have our home opener. Third of all, when you look at the preseason, we're bringing in the other Super Bowl team and the Packers, who have a huge following.”

The second package includes the home games against AFC West foes Oakland, Denver and Kansas City, plus the exhibition game against Seattle.

Last year, the Chargers sold three-game packages that included one exhibition game. That policy sparked criticism from fans irked about having to spend hundreds of extra dollars in order to attend the one game they really wanted to see.

Though there was an overwhelming number of opposing fans at games against Dallas and Pittsburgh, the Chargers believe the new policy was successful last year. They sold out every regular-season game plus one exhibition game and did see a decrease in the number of Raiders fans at their game here in December.

Derrett estimated the Chargers' renewal rate for their 52,000 season-ticket holders last year is at 80 percent, on par with this time last year.
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