The Las Vegas Raiders/STADIUM Thread

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Wtf is with the wrinkled white long sleeve shirt he wears everywhere?
I like me some long sleeve tees more so than sweatshirts.But not white.And I don't wear them everywhere.Plus mine don't look like I pulled them from the hamper either.IJS.
I'm so beat down mentally from this team I really don't give a fuck lol..I'll watch on t.v. but goddamn man...
I feel the same way man... I just don't even know what to say anymore.

I honestly don't even really care about watching... three weeks of total collapse... I dunno what that is or what that means... and I'm just too tired to try and figure it out.
Just gotta have fun with it. The Raiders being good don't make or break my life.

I enjoy coming here and talking shit just as much as watching the team anyway.
That's just it.We're on here 24 7.Hoping for the best.But damn.When is enough enough.Been on here for 17 years.Except for a couple little bright spots it's been mostly dog shit.
As I've said before.It doesn't matter to me about that.I'll probably be a fan.Probably still watch.Possibly go to a game.Maybe 1 a year.Motherfucker ain't suceeding or failing from me.I have zero Fucks to give in that regard.Move or stay don't care.
The pain is just a numbing sensation now. sure is
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